For some bizarre reason we're still trying to work out, we live in a world where a whole lot of people take pleasure in spending their time criticising other people's bodies.
Literally no-one is safe - whether you have a thin body, bigger body, the most normal and average body in the world, you're pretty much guaranteed that some dick somewhere will have something rude to say about it.
Love Island's Katie Salmon, who got targeted by online bodyshamers for being "fat" (SHE'S A SIZE 8, GUYS), said online abuse made her go through a very "dark stage".
Speaking to The Sun, she said: "I thought being thrown into the limelight would be amazing and it has been, but no one can prepare you for the amount of trolling you get.
“It took me a long time to realise that I am not fat, I’m a size 8, but when you’re always getting criticised about the way you look you start to believe it.
“I went through a very dark stage of not liking myself or the way my body was.”
Katie and her Love Island beau Adam Maxted became the first of the couples to split after Adam dumped her then compared her to a kebab.

He tweeted: "It's like when you're eating a kebab after a night out & the first few bites taste good but then u realise that it really isn't nice at all!"
Literally, ugh.
Proving herself as the absolute queen of the comeback, she posted a pic of her in her underwear while holding a kebab saying: "I'd rather have a kebab than a wet lettuce #justsaying #keepitreal #whowantskebab #loveisland