Love Island’s Chris and Kem reunite. YAAAS.


Kem Cetinay and Chris Hughes

by Carl Smith |
Published on

We don't know about you, but we're kinda struggling with life now Kem Cetinay and Chris Hughes's bromance isn't in our faces every night on Love Island. Like, things could obviously be worse; but we're suffering withdrawls in a big way.

So thank Cash Hughes the pair of 'em have finally reunited and are willing to boast the bromance all over social media following the news they're officially getting their own ITV2 show.

LOVE IS REAL, people. Life's good.

READ MORE: The ultimate Love Island Snapchat username list

The pair have obviously been off doing the whole PA tour thing up and down the country as individuals (THEY HAVE THEIROWN LIVES?), but now they've reunited and are presumably shooting scenes for their show.

No idea when said show's on telly, btw; but the sooner the better in our opinion.

This all comes after the big announcement earlier this week, when the official Love Island Twitter account posted: "The bromance is back! You'll be seeing Chris & Kem again soon. They're busy grafting away on their own @itv2 show! Watch this space..."

So ready for this. SO. READY.


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