Binky Felstead and Joshua Patterson's pregnancy announcement was probably the most surprising baby news of 2017 and now another Made in Chelsea bubba is on the way.
MIC OG and Binky's best pal Cheska Hull announced she's expecting her first child with boyfriend Tom Huggett when she returned to the show of Binky's baby shower in last night's episode.
Reuniting with her BFFs Binky and Ollie Locke, Cheska told her former co-stars and pals her happy news. Cheska then shared her baby scan on Instagram after the show.

She captioned the picture: "Super happy and excited…"
Ollie Locke then tweeted: "Couldn't be happier this didn't get leaked both my girls are pregnant and I couldn't be happier.. 6 years ago who would have thought! X."
This comes after both Binky and JP confirmed that they were quitting the show ahead of last night's season finale.
Binky shared a collage of pictures, including one of her and Cheska, a shot of the current cast and a snap from way back in series one. Underneath she wrote: "So guys it's the season finale of #madeinchelsea tonight at 9!!!! Was quite an emotional episode for me as this is my last full series filming after a magical 6 years.
"Looking back to the shows very first episode & my very first scene I filmed with Ollie & Cheska it's amazing & seems fitting I could end my time on the show with them as you will see tonight.
"Thank you for the amazing amount of support and love - what an incredible experience, couldn't be prouder of this show & how far it's come! It's been my second family and I will deffo be back to do the odd bits and bobs on it I'm sure in the future, but now I feel my time has come to a natural end seeing as the next big (grown up) chapter of my life is about to begin! I'm not going away though, u can still follow my personal journey if ya wanna .. so keep your eyes peeled for what's coming up! 👀😜 Thank you @e4chelsea, love you always. 💗#proudtobeanoriginal"

JP also broke the news on Insta with a photo collage of snaps of him on the show, commenting: " Over 2 years ago I joined MIC, it's honestly been the most insane journey. I travelled to some of the most incredible places around the world and met so many wonderful people. I came onto the show having never had a girlfriend and now i'm with someone I love and with a baby girl on the way.
"I'm so humbled by all your love and support. I've shared so many highs and lows with you guys and can't put into words how it means to me. I wasn't the best cast member but I hope i was a good one. I have so much love and appreciation for all the team that make the show, from producers, cameraman to the sound guys and the network. The hours you spend away from your family's to work on making our show the best one is something we can't thank you enough for. I'm excited to share with you that binks and I have been lucky enough to be given an opportunity to do our own show.
"The adventure continues and the next chapter. Best of luck to all of the cast for the summer series we love and will miss you guys. The little one will be excited to see you when you get back...and I'm sure you won't be able to keep us away from MIC for long!"

It was recently revealed that Binky and JP would be getting their own reality TV show following the birth of their first child and journey towards parenthood. Read more about that here.