Made In Chelsea’s Mark-Francis Vandelli has BETRAYED US

How could you, Mark?

Mark-Francis Vandelli

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Who is the poshest person in the world?

Lady Colin Campbell?

Chris Eubank?

The Queen?

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The poshest person IN THE WORLD is Made In Chelsea's Mark-Francis Vandelli.

Sure, he teeters an uncomfortable line between doing a reality telly and doing an acting (see also: Ollie Locke, the early years) but remains one of the very best things about the show. And, to have stayed in for so many years without a single relationship drama – *MiC'*s lifeblood - is no mean feat.

It is therefore with a very heavy heart that we report that Mark-Francis has betrayed us.

Look. At. This:

Some kind of sport shorts! TRAINERS! And not even good trainers.

A neon flower crown!

What even is this, Mark-Francis? What even is this?

Not even Kate actual Moss can detract from the horror of this snap.

Mark tries to lay the blame for his marl keks and trainers at Mossy's feet but is she wearing keks and trainers? The evidence of our eyes tell us she is not.

We just don't know what to believe anymore.

Mark-Francis Vandelli

In related eyebrow-raising MiC news: it looks as though Stephanie Pratt and Joey Essex are actually dating. But will they stay the distance?

Lady (a bought and paid for title but one that still totally counts) Nadia Essex from *Celebs Go Dating *doesn't think so.

Speaking to heat, Joey said: "I just think there might be a connection with Steph."

Nads, however, seems to feel differently, and said: "Joey needs someone a little bit younger, a little bit more carefree, a lot bit more fun and just more chilled out," she said, which seems pretty harsh on Made In Chelsea's Steph.

"Stephanie needs someone a bit older, more mature, someone who's ready to settle down. Steph's 30, she's getting to the stage where marriage and kids are something that she'll have to really think about," she told the Daily Star Online, which again seems pretty harsh on Steph.

Nads got in touch with heat via Twitter, as is modern, to respond: "Haha hilarious. 1st it was a gifted title. 2nd I love Stoey. 3rd im doing my job, On paper it shouldn't work. Life is different."


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