Made In Chelsea’s Proudlock has got RIPPED and it’s both amazing and terrifying

We're confused by all the muscle going on here

Oliver Proudlock

by Rosie Gizauskas |
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Oliver Proudlock, him off Made In Chelsea, bounteous blond bun and tortoiseshell glasses, well… something is going DOWN right now.

The ‘Lock has left Chelsea and has been having a right old pardy in Australia – and he’s been busy flashing his ridiculous body while he’s at it, too.

Only, we can’t quite decide whether we fancy Ollie with his top off and his guns out, or if we’re a bit intimidated by all the sinew and vein on show.

Here’s a gratuitous video of Proudlock doing pull-ups on Bondi beach if you need to decide too. It’s quite hard, isn’t it? One minute it’s quite fit, the next it’s all a bit much. Hmm, indeed.

Proudlock will soon be returning home from Australia, where he’s most possibly been drinking muscle-water the whole time (which is probably not a thing, but could be – LOOK AT HIM).

He’s spent a lot of time in the last few weeks writing #health all over his pics on Instagram, which is very nice, but is sort of cheating at the January detox thing if you start in December, Oliver.

He spent New Year’s Eve having a massive knees-up on a boat in Sydney with fellow MIC boi Andy Jordan and Lucy Watson, who isn’t a boi, but does like a pardy.

We’re surprised that Andy and Lucy were able to even register Proudlock, what with his six-pack now having a life of its own and, er, massively detracting from his face.

Ollie, we reckon it’s time you came back to the UK and started wilting and wasting away like the rest of us. Those abs… they’re just not right. But at the same time, they are… we just can’t decide.

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