Big Brother turned SIXTEEN this year (feeling old yet?), but we can still remember the very first series.
The house was a different place to house to the one we now know. Ten contestants lived in a glorified shed for 64 days, looking after chickens, growing stuff in their own little garden and waiting for Davina McCall's to talk to them on a Friday night (probably through two bean cans connected by string).
There was even the little interlude where we saw guinea pigs running around with the housemates voices, REMEMBER?
The most controversial thing to happen was Nasty Nick influencing votes. Imagine! The cheek of it! The outrage! He was the most hated man in Britain for approximately two weeks.
Nowadays, things might be a tad raunchier (we're looking at you, Marco Pierre White Jnr and Laura Carter) but Big Brother 6 was one million per cent the point of no return.
We have just one word: Kinga.
But she wasn't the only one getting a little naughty during the 2005 series – put your hands up if you remember Makosi Musambasi, the diva contestant who swore she was with child and demanded a pregnancy test about two hours after a dalliance in the hot tub with Geordie hottie, Anthony Hutton.

She even thought about calling it Jacuzzi after its place of conception.
WELL. It turned out she wasn't.
But controversy surrounding her didn't stop when she left the Big Brother house. It was reported that she was dating Russell Brand, who presented Big Brother's Big Mouth at the time, before allegedly being deported to Nigeria after trying to get into the UK using someone else's passport.
However, the reality TV star has completely reinvented herself and looks SO DIFFERENT.

Granted, it was eleven years ago (we REALLY don't mean to make you feel old) but we can't believe how bloody swish she looks.
She's now got her own show called Makosi Today where she discusses current affairs, and her Instagram is a haven of inspirational quotes.

And now we're all nostalgic for series 6, so here are some of the best moments.
(We forgot all about when Big Brother stuck them all in boxes lolol)