So THIS is why Marco Pierre White Jnr didn’t make it to the Big Brother wrap party

He's so naughty!

Marco Pierre White

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

It's safe to say Marco Pierre White Jnr has been on a non-stop party since bounding out the Big Brother house as the first evictee. We think he's probably been on a non-stop party since he bounded out of primary school (possibly before).

After showing off about drinking and being in possession of a suspicious looking white powder on social media for a while, we all breathed a collective sigh of relief when he announced he was going to rehab.

It was definitely for the best.

But, as we all know, Marco IS A VERY NAUGHTY BOY so lasted roughly 40 seconds in rehab before leaving to play Pokemon Go.


At least ya tried, mate.

In amongst all this absolute madness, Marco found the time to be less naughty, more an absolute dick, when he made some seriously vile threats to fellow ex-housemate Georgina Leigh-Cantwell via Snapchat.

Marco Pierre White

In his completely unnecessary and ridiculous rant, Marco said: "Georgina you f_cking disgust me. I f_cking hate you, honestly, you make me sick to my stomach.

"You filthy c*nt. I mean, I could talk about you all day... you're a stupid ugly shit.

"I f_cking hate you. You make me sick. Do the world a favour and f_ck off out of here."


Georgina (very reasonably) expressed serious concern about the messages, telling The Sun: "I am petrified about the final. I don't want to be around him, he comes across as unstable and I am worried from the way he’s spoken about me that he could either hurt me or verbally abuse me.

“I am genuinely worried for my safety to be face to face with him as he’s so volatile.”

When we tuned into the final, we couldn't help but notice young Marco wasn't there. We'd assumed he was off playing with his white powder or something, but it turns out he was BANNED from the BB wrap party because of these threats.

Writing in her Star magazine column, former housemate Lateysha Grace said: "Marco was banned from the bash because of the vile threats he made to Georgina."

We think that was a very wise move.

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