Tongues were wagging in more ways then one when they were caught snogging each other's faces off in Lithuania a couple of weeks ago and Chloe Ferry and Marnie Simpson even shared a dildo on G_eordie Shore_.

BUT while Chloe admits the reality TV co-stars do still enjoy the occasional game of drunken tonsil tennis on a night out, she insists that she and Marnie are just friends. Who snog each other.
We're: "Best friends who neck on when we're drunk," Chloe told New magazine.
Hey, whatever floats ya boat, Chlo.
Here at heat we're never ones to judge (much) where a celeb chooses to stick their tongue. BUT we can't help thinking about Marnie's hunky boyfriend (with the HUGE peen), Lewis Bloor. Surely he can't stand the thought of Marnie's lips smooching someone else, male or female?
Well, according to our Chlo we can lay our worries to rest, as Lew does not care one bit, alreet?
"He knows we don’t fancy each other," continued Chloe.
"We were in bed the other night necking on and she licked my tits. We do it all the time. It's normal."
You're losing us a bit here Chlozza.
Speaking to our mates over at Closer magazine, Marnie – who admitted she knew she was bisexual before appearing on MTV's Geordie Shore – gave her side to the drunken lady-kissing sitch.
The CBB star revealed that it was something the girls do to stop feeling lonely when their boyfriends aren't with them. It's quite sweet really.
She continued: "Lewis thinks it's funny. He knows I'm an attention seeker. It's not like I'm attracted to Chloe.”
Howay, in that case crack on ladies, crack on.
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