Marnie Simpson says she and Lewis Bloor are TURNING DOWN big offers

And is Marnie returning to Geordie Shore? Find out.

Marnie Simpson Lewis Bloor CBB

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor's relationship started pretty unconventionally: they met on Celebrity Big Brother, enjoyed the most romantic shower of Marnie's life together, and declared they loved each other within a matter of days.

And it looks to be continuing unconventionally too. Marnie says that she and Lewis are refusing magazine and TV deals together, unlike pretty much every reality TV couple we can think of.

That's… commendable, we guess. Although we can't help being a bit gutted as we are nosey so-and-sos, frankly.

"We have been offered all kinds of magazine and TV interviews but we are keeping it private for the time being because we don’t want to put a strain on our relationship," Marnie told the Daily Star on Sunday, for whom she had stripped down to her undercrackers.

"There was so much talk of us being a ‘showmance’ but the funny thing is neither of us are the kind of people to court the media for money and fame."

Excuse us while our head explodes a little bit.

Of course, if we were hardened old cynics, we could suggest that maybe they just haven't been offered enough money yet. Lewis said during CBB that he wouldn't do a reality show with Marnie UNLESS he was offered one million pounds. Which could totally happen. We have faith.

Marnie then went on to say another surprising thing, this time about the show that made her famous.

"I am excited to go back to Geordie Shore. I think it’s going to be so much fun this time round.

“I don’t think it will affect Lewis and I as you can have boyfriends on Geordie Shore."

Wow. We haven't forgotten that Marnie said she still had feelings for Aaron Chalmers, so that bodes well.

Or how COMPLETELY BORING Gary Beadle, Charlotte Crosby and Holly Hagan were when they had partners outside the show.

Still, bring it on.


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