We at heat are BIG fans of Marnie Simpson, Lewis Bloor and his enormous peen's relationship.
They were branded a showmance at the start, but they've totally SHUT DOWN THE HATERZ by being all loved up and posting nawty pics of them in bed together.

Take that, haterz.
And now Marns has given us yet another insight into their sex life, as she's revealed she wants a cockring for Christmas.
During a conversation with her cousin Sophie Kasaei for MTV, she discussed what she'd like to find in her stocking on Christmas morning.
She said: "I've wanted one for ages. A cock ring. Not for me obviously, I don't have a cock. Preferably with about ten different settings."
And when Sophie asked which setting she'd like, she replied: "The one that goes 'buzz buzz buzz buzz'."

"Me and my boyfriend really need one at the minute. I think it might spice it up."
Sophie then replied: "Usually that happens after forty years," to which Marnie said: "No, it's good for the boy though."
Erm. Cute?