Sex happens. This we know. Mishaps also happen. This too we know. Sometimes, sex mishaps can happen. Sexhaps. This is what happened to husband-and-wife singing team Rochelle Humes out of The Saturdays and Marvin Humes out of JLS. They had a sexhap.
Yep, Rochelle had a sexhap so hard she had to sheepishly sidle into A&E after sustaining some kind of 'unidentified sex injury' ('sinjury') 'to do with her eye'.
When interviewers asked the band if they'd ever unintentionally hurt themselves during special couple time, Rochelle piped up: "I have!"

Bandmate Una Healy took up the story to spare Rochelle's blushes. "Rochelle went to A&E over this," she said.
"I remember her calling me about this and I was like, 'How do I know what to do?'" added Mollie King.
Was it a household object, the interviewer pondered. Or perhaps something you can buy at an adult store?
"Please can we move on," laughed Rochelle, while rubbing her eye a bit. "Now I hate you all."
In totally unrelated news, JLS have a song called One Shot, which is nice.