Ahh, remember those good old G_reat British Bake Off_ days? When Mary Berry used to strut around in her wildly fashionable jackets, Mel and Sue would ping pong innuendos around the tent, and the King of Pies Paul Hollywood would wave his ginormous hands around and remind everyone that no one could outdo his pastry?
It was a mere four weeks ago that we saw lippy-loving Candice Brown named the 2016 champ.

But the news that Channel 4 now have the rights to the show, and knowing that we’ll never see our favourite foursome battling the beautiful wet English summer in that flimsy tent EVER again, literally broke our hearts.
(Yeah, OK, there’s gonna be a Christmas Special, but then that’s the end of the show as we know it.)
But wait, is it REALLY the end?
Is it though?
Because Mary Berry, Queen of Cake, is actually returning to present Bake Off and our hearts are sort of mended again.

Yes, you heard us correctly. The Victoria Sponge pro will be back to doing what she does best – judging the baking efforts of mere mortals for our entertainment.
There’s one SLIGHT (massive) catch.
It’s not gonna have the blustery background of the British countryside.
Mary has signed up to appear on the American version of the show, aptly named The Great American Baking Show.
She’ll be teaming up with My Big Fat Greek Wedding actress, Nia Vardalos, and her hubby, Ian Gomez.
Random. But also pretty EXCITING, no?

The show describes itself as “a magical, warm yet utterly dramatic eight-part series, [where] a selection of the nation's best amateur bakers will compete in a series of themed challenged and eliminations as they look to be crowned America's Best Amateur Baker.”
We’re guessing it’s gonna be a tad different, but let’s all just be grateful that we will have her back on the tellybox talking soggy bottoms.