Mary-Kate Olsen sparks surgery rumours after – *sniff* – being snapped looking noticeably different to Ashley

The twins caused a stir when they posed together on the red carpet


by Gwendolyn Smith |
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Okay, we’re actually finding this quite upsetting now. We know, we know - a woman should be perfectly free to transform her own appearance at will and every face looks a bit weird if you stare at it for too long... but STILL, it’s quite heartbreaking that our childhood heroes are gradually becoming unrecognisable.

First it was Renee. We haven’t yet forgotten the sad day when she went out with all traces of Bridget Jones seemingly eliminated from her face.

And now it’s Mary-Kate Olsen, who’s made the fun we had as pre-teens trying to tell her and Ashley apart completely impossible. Because she now looks completely different from her sister. Game over.

The child-actress turned fashion designer sparked plastic surgery speculation when she posed with her sister at the World of Children Awards in New York last Thursday.

They both looked glowing as normal, but 28-year-old Mary-Kate’s face was just, erm, somehow tauter than Ashley’s.

Of course we might be overreacting, and Mary-Kate might have just happened upon a boiled sweet variety that she really likes and therefore wants to suck on constantly. Maybe.

Anyway, we’re not going to thinking about this anymore because, to be fair, it must be difficult to be a twin in the public eye - nobody wants to be forced to walk around with a human benchmark against which all of your latest looks can be compared.

Instead, we’re just going to stare at this joyous pic until it’s imprinted on our brains forever.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
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