If you're one of those types who has Mean Girls on the brain every second of every day and is still besotted by the idea of Cady Heron and Aaron Samuels being together (we are), then you're IN LUCK.

Because Lindsay Lohan (Cady) and Jonathan Bennett (Aaron) have been FaceTiming!
Jonathan uploaded a screenshot of the encounter to Instagram, and the entire world lost their minds.
We don't know what they were talking about at this point, but we imagine Lindsay just told him his hair looks sexy pushed back.
One wrote: "Omg I can't" and another: "UNREAL. Wish I could've been apart of this last night."
When on earth will these two get together IRL?
What does this mean? An actual sequel (as opposed to the absolute trash that was Mean Girls 2) is on the cards? Was she asking him to be his math tutor? Are they starring in the Mean Girls musical together?

The Mean Girls musical was confirmed, aptly, on October 3rd.
Bosses took to Facebook to announce the news, posting: "Happy October 3rd! The Mean Girls Musical is coming to Washington, D.C. Fall of 2017!
Official Instagram and Twitter: @MeanGirlsDC
#MeanGirls | #OctoberThird | #MeanGirlsDay | #TheLimitDoesNotExist |#ThatsSoFetch | #YourMomsChestHair | #SheDoesntEvenGoHere |#YouCantSitWithUs | #HerHairIsFullOfSecrets |#OnWednesdaysWeWearPink | #Grool | #WidesetVagina |#YouGoGlennCoco | #MeanGirlsDC"
That might be the best set of hashtags we've seen ever in our lives.
And don't fret – this (probably) won't be some kind of shoddy half arsed attempt at an adaption, as Tina Fey herself is involved.
The play is apparently going to be created by Tony Award-nominated lyricist Nell Benjamin, who did Legally Blonde The Musical, as well as Tina Fey and her husband Jeffrey Richmond (who composed the title song for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt).
There are at present only plans to stage the musical in Washington DC.
But if anything's worth a trip to the US…