Songs are not written about those frantic hours you spend ringing the estate agent to find out where the frig your keys are.
Poems are not composed about the delicate balance between accepting all their flaws and wanting to burn their terrible clothes. Basically, moving in day is hell on Earth.
But Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright seem to have weathered the storm alright, having combined all their stuff in one go at their new Essex pad yesterday.
They were seen talking outside the gates of Mark's old house - the one he used to share with ex-fiancee Lauren Goodger - before his cousin Elliott Wright joined them to help shift their belongings into a removal van.
Among the possessions spotted going into the van was a mattress with some old sheets on it - surely you're going to change them before you sleep in them, Markelle?
Former Coronation Street star Michelle recently told the Sun on Sunday's* Fabulous* magazine that it took the couple a long time to find their dream home.
"It's gorgeous. We're been searching for such a long time. We pulled out of two houses because we didn't like one and then another was in the wrong area so it was panic, panic," she said.
"Then one day we were driving past this house, and as soon as we walked in we knew. It's a new build. It's my dream home. We're exchanging in the next two weeks."
And how did Lauren feel about her ex moving on - and in - with his new lady? Well, she posted a message on Instagram that vaguely hinted that she was aware of what was happening, but then quickly deleted it. So… Lauren's doing… well? Yes.