Natasha Hamilton has given birth to the world’s first Big Reunion baby



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Congratulations to ruddy-haired former Atomic Kitten Natasha Hamilton, who gave birth to a baby girl last night.

The singer’s partner, 5ive member Ritchie Neville, tweeted this afternoon to tell the world the happy yet undeniably disturbing news that the first Big Reunion baby has been born.

The couple first got together while taking part in the series last year, which aimed to give forgotten ‘90s celebs a fresh start in life in a sort of heartwarming blend between showbiz and the probation service.

Natasha’s pregnancy hasn’t been completely drama-free – it was thought that she’d given birth earlier this month after she had to leave former bandmate Kerry Katona’s wedding early after experiencing contractions.

It later emerged that this was a false alarm, though. Natasha has three sons from a previous relationship, but it is Ritchie’s first child.

Hopefully this won’t be the only Big Reunion baby to grace planet Earth. After all, what says shining future for humanity more than the promise of a world populated by the spawn of ‘90s pop have-beens?

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