Nelly and Kelly's Dilemma is the soundtrack to our early '00s relationships.
No matter what they do, all we want them to do is get together and live happily ever after.
Disclaimer: we totally know that Kelly Rowland is married and has a son, and Nelly ain't the type to break up a happy home, but if in some alternate universe we could make this happen, we would.
But the ONE thing that bugged the heck out of us every single time we watched the video was WHY IS KELLY TEXTING NELLY WITH AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET?

First of all - Why does she have Excel on her Nokia phone?
Secondly - IT DOESN'T WORK AS A TEXT. There is literally 0% chance Nelly would ever receive Kelly's message asking her boo to meet her to shake and bounce all night long.
"where you at? Holla when you get this" Kelly wrote. He's never gonna holla Kelly, because he's never going to get your message. This is all your fault.
14 whole years later, someone has FINALLY asked Nelly what was going through their minds when they filmed the video for Dilemma, and his answer, well, doesn't make sense.
Speaking to The Project, Nelly revealed " That was the thing at the time. That was the new technology at the time. It looks a little dated now, I can see that".
LOL soz no.
Nobody ever texted anyone from an Excel spreadsheet (because it's not possible), and that wasn't the technology at the time (because again, this was never a thing).
I would say now we know, but we clearly don't.
Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, iMessage?! All of these services would have been a better way to hook up than EXCEL ffs. But we'll cut Kelly some slack considering they didn't exist at the time.
Speaking of, can you believe that these six things didn't exist when Geordie Shore first started?
Nope, neither can we.
Another thing we were wondering, did Kylie Jenner actually get a medal from President Obama? Lol no.
If all this Nelly/ Kelly talk has got you nostalgic, take a look at where your favourite '90s and '00s music stars are now.