Nick Grimshaw misses radio show as he undergoes surgery on his hand

Nick Grimshaw

by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Poor Nick Grimshaw – the star is undergoing surgery to have pins put in his finger.

The former X Factor judge shared a picture of his bandaged hand on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon and told fans he wasn’t looking forward to going under the knife.

He could be seen sitting in a hospital room as his ring finger on his left hand was supported by a piece of metal and the rest was wrapped up in plasters.

He wrote: “I have to have surgery tomorrow morning to have pins hold my finger together vomits.”

Nick Grimshaw

Fans were quick to send him supportive messages and Nick quickly let them know that his show would be going ahead with the help of a DJ pal.

He wrote: “....sooo @dev_101 will entertain you from 6.30am and I will be entertained by a surgeon.”

The star didn’t tell his followers how he managed to sustain his injury but some came up with some interesting ideas.

One tweeted: “He had Lindsay Lohan teach him some stunt moves at a posh drunken dinner party on Friday night and broke it then.”


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