Nicki Minaj’s new video for Only criticised for ‘Nazi’ overtones

The star's been slated for using blatant Nazi imagery in her latest vid


by Gwendolyn Smith |
Published on

So there’s been an explosion of controversy following the release of Nicki Minaj’s latest video for her track Only. The rapper has been slammed for the new video because of its weirdly militarised colour scheme and wartime theme… and some of her critics have noted its nods to Nazi history.

In fact, it looks so Third Reich-y, it’s been compared to the propaganda videos Hitler commissioned during his time in power.

Critics have made their views clear on Twitter:

The video features the rapper as a dictator, who wanders in and out of a scene that looks suspiciously like the Nuremberg rally. Red banner flags flap Swastika-ishly in the air and an army of soldiers wear red armbands reminiscent of those worn by Hitler’s soldiers. Hmm.

Still, in case this is all just a terrible misinterpretation and Nicki actually just thinks guns and gas masks make a pretty montage, there’s loads of other weird stuff to ponder over, too.

At one point Nicki tries to explain her leadership of the rap world by referencing "Jon And Kate Plus 8" – an American show about parents who have to raise a lot of children.

Then she asks “bitches” to “Blow me like Lance Stephenson” – a basketball player who once taunted another player during a game by blowing in his ear.

Anyway, watch the video below and let us know what you think! Is Nicki out of order, or have we just missed the fact that she really hearts red, black and white colour schemes?

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