You can’t use your old pound coins after THIS WEEKEND

As if we needed an excuse to spend

Pound coins

by Carl Smith |
Published on

If, like us, your entire 'savings account' consists off an old piggy bank full of pound coins you might wanna prick your ears up. Why? 'Cause as of this Sunday shops will no longer be accepting the classic round pound now its snazzy twelve-sided upgrade exists.

Sidenote: Don't wanna show off, but the new one's actually a dodecahedron.

ANYWAY, the point we're trying to make is that the old quid coin will essentially be obsolete as of this weekend after the actual Bank of England announced they'll no longer be accepted as legal tender from October 16th.

Pound coins

Although the last date to spend your old coins is technically this Sunday, some businesses will still be taking 'em while we get used to the change.

Chatting to the BBC, a Tesco spokeswoman said: "We've been updating our systems ready for the new pound coins, but to help customers who still have the old coins, we'll continue to accept round pounds at our tills and self-service machines for an additional week."

So even then you Tesco shoppers only have until October 22nd to use up your old tender.


Pound coins

While banks and Post Offices will continue to accept your old pound coins, money saving expert-type Martin Lewis explains: "Carting a bag of coins to the bank is a real faff – particularly if there isn't a branch near you. So it's much better to spend them now."

And spend we shall. ASOS same day delivery spree, anybody?


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