There's big news in the Stephanie Davis household.
Her yet-to-be-named son's umbilical cord has fallen off!
You know? That gross bit of skin and goo which connects the placenta to the baby.
And that bit that Miranda's cat chased round the floor in Sex And The City and we all got grossed out.

And he's one week old today, which he marked, a bit like his mother may once have done, by pissing on her.
The 23-year-old actress cried with joy when it happened.
We've cried when people have peed on us, but that was for wholly different reasons.
She wrote on Twitter: “OFFICIALLY ONE WEEK OLD! Celebrated by his umbilical cord fallen off and a big wee on mummy Tears of happiness My world! My baby boy (sic).”
According to friends, her son is the "absolute double" of his mum.
Which is handy because we don't have a clue who the dad is yet.
Ever-giving Steph has just shared a video of her having contractions.
Pacing up and down as they get stronger, the dulcet tones of Zayn Malik's *Pillow Talk *is playing in the background.
He'll be delighted to know he too was a little part of her labour.
We'd probably go with something like Salt-N-Pepa, Push It.
She wrote on Twitter: "Just found this😂 didn't even see this😂 The day my contractions started. Was dancing about the living room to bring him along, knackered and ready to pop hehe I look mahhooosive. Now Hes here and one week old today!! His umbilical cord fell off and he's had a big wee on mummy 💙."
One of her friends wrote on Twitter: "Just had the pleasure of meeting one of the most beautiful little boys ever your a natural already @Stephdavis77 #amazingmummy…
"He’s adorable and the absolute double of you… never seen a baby so alert lucky to have you as his mummy xxx."
Steph gushed back: "Hehe… Thankyou for his outfit, it’s gawjusss!!…

"He really is Beautiful isn’t he… #dream #inlove! #unreal… xxx."
The reality star spent two days in labour and gave birth to her baby boy on Friday 13.
Unlucky for some.
Jeremy McConnell, perhaps?