Big Brother final night is hands down one of our top 10 nights of the year. IT’S ALWAYS SO DARN EXCITING.
Last night was no different. There we were sat on the sofa surrounded by an array of snacks, enjoying a nice warming cup of tea, safe in the knowledge that firm favourite Hughie Maughan would win - at a push Jackson Blythe.

But that tea got well and truly spat out when Emma Willis announced Jason Burrill as the winner. He was getting majorly booed by the crowd, and his decision to evict previous favourite Lateysha Grace during that horrible annihilation week was NOT a popular decision.

We got over our shock quickly though – Jason was pretty nice and Big Brother has often delivered shock winners (BB 9’s Rachel Rice and BB 15’s Helen Wood being notable examples). Plus we don’t actually care that much and Big Brother winner’s don’t have any lasting affect on the country - unlike, say, a decision to vote the European Union.
But this is something many viewers failed to take into account, and they started in great numbers to compare his winning to the Brexit result. And we’re NGL they were pretty hilarious.
People were tweeting things like “First #Brexit then Jason winning #BBUKFinal whats wrong with the British public! #cantbetrusted” and “How’s Jason won big brother lol this is more of a shock than Brexit