Perrie Edwards dishes details on cryptic surprise birthday gift from boyfriend Zayn Malik


Zayn Malik Perrie Edwards

by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Perrie Edwards is a lucky lady – not only is she a member of the amazing band Little Mix but she’s also engaged to the former One Direction hotness that is Zayn Malik.

Singer Perrie turned 22 yesterday and her famous man had a special surprise planned for her big day.

And it seems like the gift took a lot of planning as Zayn had to get Perrie ready for it days in advance.

She told Kiss FM: “Zayn has a big surprise for me for my birthday. He’s sent me my outfit, he sent me my shoes and he’s sending a car so it’s all pretty exciting.

“He didn’t ask me to bring my passport so we’re staying in the UK, I know that much.”

The couple’s relationship appears to be going from strength to strength lately despite apparent past troubles and they are said to have recently splashed out £3million on a lavish mansion.

A source told The Sun: “This is a big statement by Perrie and Zayn.

“They’ve had to shoot down rumours of a split after his exit from the band and this is both of them showing everyone just how serious they are.

“They’re engaged and need somewhere they can both call home – and this house is it.”


GALLERY: Zayn Malik with kittens, puppies and babies


Zayn Malik with kittens, puppies and babies

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BONUS PICTURE: Zayn as a baby!

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BONUS, BONUS PICTURE: Zayn as a super-cute kid with a dog!

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