Pete Bennett has returned to Big Brother and is reunited with ex Nikki Grahame

They were our favourite Big Brother couple EVER.

Pete Bennett and Nikki Grahame

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

Big Brother just got a whole lot crazier – because Pete Bennett has gone into the house.

Check him out with his pink hair!

He’s gone back into the house to be reunited with Nikki Grahame – who he had a romance with back on the show in 2006.


They were one of our favourite BB couples ever so we are LOVING THIS.

Pete went into the house yesterday, so we’ll see his scenes tonight.

He shows up in the house as part of a task where housemates have to ignore all distractions – and Pete’s got to distract them. Genius, he's TOTALLY distracting.

Pete says to Nikki, who can’t stop herself from smiling:

“Basically, what I was gonna say is, ‘How are you doing? I'm back!’ Nice to see you, man! Yeah! What, you're not gonna say hello? Oh I see, it's Nick, innit?”

Pete was making a joke that Nikki is dating Nasty Nick off the first series of Big Brother. Shudder.

Pete recently made headlines when he told Jeremy Kyle that he became homeless in the wake of winning Big Bro – due to his addiction to ketamine.

But will Pete stick around in the house? Tune in to Channel 5 at 9pm to find out…

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