In case you missed it, Piers Morgan and J.K. Rowling had a monumental Twitter spat (in fact we're pretty sure it's still going on) which basically all started when the Harry Potter author shared a clip of Piers being told to fuck off on an American chat show.
"Yes, watching Piers Morgan being told to fuck off on live TV is exactly as satisfying as I imagined," she wrote.
To which Piers quickly responded: "This is why I’ve never read a single word of Harry Potter."
As well as being v rude, this statement also really irked us for two reasons:
Frankly, we don't believe you Piers, 'cos who in the world has never read one single tiny word of Harry Potter, let's be real.
What a bleak and dull existence you must lead without even a slither of the wizarding world to brighten up your life....but hey, each to their own.
Anyway, while Piers dared to take on Queen of Twitter, J.K, his son Spencer also stepped in to share his opinion on the whole situation, and it's pretty funny.
Spencer shared a picture on Twitter with what appears to be a Harry Potter-themed tattoo and necklace.
In the picture Piers' son reveals a tattoo with a triangle which has a circle inside and a line through the middle. The necklace he's wearing boasts the same shape.
As Harry Potter fans (and basically everyone else in the world) will know this is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows, a major aspect of the HP series. The triangle represents the cloak of invisibility, the circle is the resurrection stone and then the straight line symbolises the elder wand, duh!
Along with the picture, Spencer wrote: "Well this is awkward @piersmorgan @jk_rowling".
Soooo we're guessing unlike his dad, he's a BIG Hazza P fan and it looks as though he's taking J.K's side on this one.