Piers Morgan is on some kind of awful Donald Trump-obssessed Twitter rant

Seriously, what is today?

piers morgan

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

2016 has been dreadful for a number of reasons, and this week has been an absolute f*cking disaster for one very specific fake tanned, racist, misogynistic, awful, awful reason.

Many of us woke up to find the nightmare we'd just been having had become a reality, but Piers Morgan seems to have spent the night writing some sort of Twitter ode to Donald Trump.

Yes, really.

It began with: "Congratulations to my friend @realDonaldTrump – an astonishing achievement. #President."

A whole load of people were alarmed by this weird message, but none more so than Greg James, who responded with: "Just text him".


Piers continued his bizarre love poem to Trump with: "(President) Trump already sounding calmer, less confrontational & more inclusive. Augurs well. #USElection ."

At this point, you'd be forgiven for wondering where on earth Alan Sugar had got to. It ain't a Piers Morgan-related Twitter rant without him, after all.

Here he is.

"Classic example of a great showman at work best PR event ever @realDonaldTrump president. Now he has to implement all the promises he made."

Piers responded: "After he deports you."

Lord Sugar responded: "Great coverage @piersmorgan and @susannareid100 Susanna is piersy grovelling yet desperately trying to get Donny on the phone."

Think it must be over now? LOL.

Piers responded: "Think he's trying to call me actually."

Then this happened.

And wonderful Gary Lineker waded in, tweeting: "I must say your ability to continually tweet from inside Trump's bowels is rather impressive."


Piers replied: "'President Trump' to you."

Jesus Christ.

What the actual f*ck is today?

Let's all just try and laugh at how ridiculous this all is, otherwise we'd be crying.

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