We’ve all woken up with a banging headache, hazy memory of the night before, and a phone full of texts we don’t entirely remember sending.
But usually these texts are to that boy who ghosted us a few months ago, not actual Eminem.

But Pink has found herself in the latter situation, and confessed she once got drunk and emailed Eminem – and got a less than enthusiastic response.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about contacting him for her LP Beautiful Trauma, she said: “I sneak-attacked him.
“Max and I started making Revenge, and I wrote this rap. We were drinking a lot of wine, and then I went home and I thought more wine would be a good idea.
“I emailed him.This is why they call it liquid courage.

“And I said, ‘You know I love you. I like that you work with a lot of the same people, like Rihanna. She’s hotter than me, but I’m funnier.
“So I’m going for a rap Grammy, and I’d like to take you along with me.’
“It was this long email, and he wrote back right away and just said, ‘Okay.'”

TBF, we’d probably punch a kitten for a one word text from Eminem.
(We wouldn’t really)
And the text exchange continued.
I emailed him again, I was like, ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever heard! I want to tackle you and rub your face in the dirt!'
“He replied again: Okay.
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