Bruce Jenner's surgery face

1976, aged 27

1985, aged 36

1994, aged 45

1996, aged 47

January 2004, aged 54

March 2004, aged 54

January 2006, aged 56

October 2007, aged 57

May 2008, aged 58

July 2008, aged 58

April 2009, aged 59

September 2009, aged 59

October 2009, aged 60

January 2010, aged 60

February 2010, aged 60

August 2010, aged 60

November 2010, aged 61

April 2011, aged 61

June 2012, aged 62

May 2013, aged 63

September 2013, aged 63

November 2013, aged 64

November 2014, aged 65
We all know the whole Bruce-Jenner-becoming-a-woman situation. But let’s forget about that for a minute and just focus on the changes he’s been making to himself from the neck up via plastic surgery.
It’s pretty clear to see he’s had a few nips and tucks in his 65 years – just look at the difference between the photos of him from 1976 when he won an Olympic gold medal in the decathlon, to the present day. So how has his face changed in the past 40 years. Let’s take a peak, shall we?