A possible reunion? Prince Harry has ‘never fallen out of love’ with Chelsy Davy

Chelsy isn't ready to live in the spotlight again.

prince harry chelsy davy

by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

It seems our wonderful Prince Harry may be hoping for a reunion with Chelsy Davy, following his visit to Africa last month.

Prince Harry and the Zimbabwean former lawyer dated on and off from 2004 until shortly after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge got married in 2011.

And according to The Sun, during the 30-year-old's trip to Africa he and Chelsy appaz met up. Ohhh.

A source told the newspaper: “Harry still holds a candle for her. Chelsy has his heart.

“They saw each other recently. There’s still very much something between them, but Chelsy won’t commit yet because she doesn’t want to lead a life in the spotlight. Harry’s very sensitive to that.”

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The source also said it was "no coincidence" that the Prince has decided to spend more time in Africa when he returns for an event marking the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain - which takes place the same day as his 31st birthday - September 15.

“He has never fallen out of love with Chelsy. She’s not like other girls; she’s strong, independent and a rule-breaker. She does everything on her own terms,” the source continued.

Chelsy at The South Kensington Club's Summer Party, London, in June.
Chelsy at The South Kensington Club's Summer Party, London, in June.

Prince Harry's last serious relationship was with actress/model Cressida Bonas, which ended last year.

This summer he spent this summer working as a wildlife conservation volunteer on frontline projects in southern Africa and he will also return to Africa to visit Lesotho and South Africa in November and December.

Watch this space, we guess?

Prince William goes back to work:


Prince William goes back to work

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One must ALWAYS match one's jacket to one's helicopter

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This is all a bit Top Gun isn't it? No?

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"Nah, it's cool guys - I'll get this..."

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Easy does it, big guy

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Not sure that's actually how you get in, your Royal Highness. Mayeb try using the door...

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Absolute playa.

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