Professor Green and Millie Mackintosh went to COUNSELLING to talk about relationship problems

The couple have just celebrated their second anniversary


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Professor Green and Millie Mackintosh have been to a relationship counsellor to ‘rescue’ their marriage, the rapper has revealed.

Pro – real name Stephen Manderson – and his wife sought help from psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos to talk through various problems that have affected their two-year marriage.

More news!

As the Sun reports, Pro said: “We both see the same therapist and, yeah, we have sat down with her together.

“Sometimes it’s easier to understand things when they come from the person who is completely removed from the situation. It’s one of the most constructive things I do in my life.”


The couple, who wed at Babington House in Somerset two years ago tomorrow, also fell out hugely while on holiday in Jamaica – as the rapper reveals in his new autobiography, Lucky.

“We were at each other’s throats. We thought we f**king hated each other,” he said of their detox break on the beautiful island.

“Then we ate normally and had a glass of wine and it was fine. It was the lack of sugar, 100 per cent. I’m never doing that again.”

While the pair are back on firmer ground now, Pro risked incurring his wife’s wrath earlier this week when he posted a picture of Millie completely naked in the bath.

“She was like, ‘You f**king idiot. It’ll be everywhere tomorrow’,” he told the newspaper.

“I should be watching my back.”

Yeah, probs best, Pro.

Millie Mackintosh and Professor Green's honeymoon and wedding album


Millie Mackintosh and Professor Green's honeymoon and wedding album

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