Does Queen guitarist Brian May actually buy a first class ticket for his guitar every time he travels?

He’s said to have paid £10,000 for a first class seat for his beloved Red Special guitar


by Gwendolyn Smith |
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A serious case of instrument-loving has emerged. Wild-haired Queen strummer Brian May reportedly paid for a seat in the first class cabin of a flight from London to Los Angeles for his beloved electric guitar.

We’d probably pick a slightly chattier companion for a long-haul flight, but each to their own.

Brian was making the journey to perform at the Classic Rock Awards in Hollywood on Tuesday and apparently became worried the instrument would be damaged in the plane’s hold during the journey.

According to the Daily Mirror, he insisted that it was given an upgrade to ride in first class. Seeing as there wasn’t any space in the overhead locker for it, he had to cough up so it could have it’s very own seat. It’s like an extravagant version of our own budget airline worst nightmare.

To be fair, this isn’t just any guitar. The musician crafted it with his own hands in his father’s workshop and has owned it for forty years. And it’s been credited as being a key part of Queen’s signature sound, which is something we’d never mess with.

We’re just wondering whether Brian does this every time he flies? If so, maybe he should consider investing in a private, guitar-shaped jet to transport it on future occasions? At the rate he's going, it’ll probably work out cheaper.

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