Remember Mike Delfino off Desperate Housewives?
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Course you do. He was the hot neighbour who moved in across the street to Susan Meyer. He liked to work outside with his top off.

He had massive arms. Like, guns so thick you wouldn’t be able to encircle them with your hands. Arms so trunk-like that you could almost smell the blood pumping away in their veins.

He also had sculpted pecs. The kind of pecs you could cautiously brush your hand against and they’d just be firm and warm, with the slightest give as you pressed yourself against them.

And he had abs. Not silly big show-off abs you see in the gym, but proper man abs. The type of abs that would flex as the cold water of his morning shower cascaded down his body. Abs that would wink at you as he pulled a tight grey tee up and off his shoulders and threw it in the laundry basket.

And he had a top lip that was virtually non-existent, so every time he smiled it would curl sideways from his mouth as his dreamy eyes gazed into your soul and awakened you sexually.
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Anyway, point is Mike Delfino’s death in Series 8 – three ENTIRE years ago now – still devastates us on the daily. But there is a ray of hope, because the actor who played Mike, James Denton, is actually getting BETTER with age.

In fact, it doesn’t look like he’s aged at all since Desperate Housewives started all the way back in 2004. Though we’d need James to get extremely topless once again just to check.
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Could someone make this happen, please? Gracias.