Could we just take a moment to appreciate the wonder that is Rihanna. The singer/superstar has taken time out of her Very Busy Schedule to tweet a heartbroken fan.

RiRi surely knows a bit about heartbreak after going through some incredibly public shizzle with Chris Brown, Drake etc.
When one of her gazillion Insta followers slid into her DMs asking her how she coped with her first heartbreak, it clearly got her right in the feels.
The fan, called Walad Shami, asked: "How did you get over your first heartbreak? I've been struggling."
A few hours later, Rihanna replied saying: "Just believe that the heartbreak was a gift in itself! Cry if you have to, but it won't be forever! You will find love again and it will be even more beautiful! In the meantime, enjoy all that YOU are!!!"
Walad was in total shock at the reply and later tweeted: "Lmao didn't think her message to me would go so viral but I'm glad a lot of people are able to take something from it and heal."

He went on to add: "If Rihanna says heartbreak is a gift, then HEARTBREAK IS A GIFT."
OK. Have we all got that? HEARTBREAK IS A GIFT.
Harry Styles just got dumped by Tess Ward in the most HORRIFIC WAY