Robbie Williams flirts with 15 year old at Australian gig and INSTANTLY regrets it

"Don't put that on YouTube"

Robbie Williams flirts with 15-year-old girl

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Robbie Williams is well-known for his onstage #BANTA, but this backfired on him massively during his recent gig in Brisbane, Australia.

The 41-year-old Angels singer accidentally told a slightly smutty joke to 15-year-old fan, Morgan, after telling her she was dressed like a secretary and how much he loves that look. Oh dear.

Pausing between songs Robbie said:

"I love that look. I love the look with the glasses and the hair, it's like the secretary look, which reminds me, I've got to clear my internet browsing history on my computer before before Ayda sees it.


He then asked how old Morgan is and she dropped the bomb that she's a mere 15 years old. Robbie then replied: "Fifteen? Oh sh*t. Don't put that up on YouTube."

Luckily the singer took it all in good humour, even though he was quite red-faced after realising his mistake. Thanks to one fan who put the clip up on YouTube (soz Rob), you can see him try and manoeuvre his way out of the awkward encounter.

He turned to the fan's mum and told her to refer to him as "Uncle Rob", while asking her to assure him that Morgan was an "old soul". Yeah, that really doesn't help.

He went on to warn Morgan away from guys like himself explaining that they're "f**king arseholes". But at least the ex-Take That singer didn't go on to dedicate She's The One to the teen, hang on, wait, he did do that.

Before launching into the hit song he told Morgan: “If you can suspend disbelief for a bit and pretend I’m not 41. This one’s for you.”

Maybe just check everyone's age before you switch on the charm next time, eh Robbie? Y'know, just to be on the safe side.


Robbie Williams live-tweets wife Ayda Field's birth - recap with videos and pictures

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Robbie made another joke about his wife's, er, lady-parts - when she gave birth to daughter Teddy two years ago, he said standing at the business end was "like watching your favourite pub burn down". We'll let you think about what the off licence bit means...

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