Robert Downey Jr felt ‘scrutinized like a kiddie fiddler who’s running for mayor’ by Channel 4 interview

The Avengers star has called interviewer Krishnan Guru-Murthy a “bottom-feeding muckracker”.

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by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Remember that awkward interview where Robert Downey Jr walked out? You know the Channel 4 one where he was asked about his time in prison and previous problems with drugs?

Well, there’s an update – Robert told a US radio host that he wished he had walked of that interview sooner.

The Hollywood actor told Howard Stern he did not believe that promoting a film meant that he had to delve into his past.


“There’s an assumption that...because you’ve sat down there [in the interviewee’s chair], you’re going to be scrutinized like a kiddie fiddler who’s running for mayor,” the actor said.

“What I have to do in the future is ... give myself permission to say, ‘That is more than likely a syphilitic parasite, and I need to distance myself from this clown.’ Otherwise, I’m probably going to put hands on somebody, and then there’s a real story.”

Things got a little bit too serious during the Channel 4 interview and Robert walked out.

He became uncomfortable when the news presenter referred to a 2008 interview in which Robert, 50, opened up about how his time in prison had affected him.

Robert replied: "Are we promoting a movie?" After talking about the film for a bit, Krishnan then brought the interview back to the star's personal life – referencing past interviews where he spoke about his relationship with his father, drinking and drugs.

Robert said: "I'm sorry, I really don't... what are we doing?" The actor then made a hasty exit, quipping, "It's just getting a little Diane Sawyer in here" as he left the room.

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