Robert Downey Jr throws SHADE at Hiddleswift

Not everyone found it funny, though

Tom Hiddleston

by Jadie Troy-Pryde |
Published on

Hiddleswift was nothing short of a phenomenon, but the budding in-yer-face dalliance between Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston seems to have slowed down recently.

Tom Hiddleston Taylor Swift

We’ve not been bombarded with pics of hand kissing like they’re in an 80s music video, there’s been no more family get togethers, and everyone seems to have forgotten about the diabolical – sorry, did we spell romantic wrong? – ‘I heart T.S’ shirt that Tom decided to wear while splashing around in the sea with Taylor.

Everyone except for Robert Downey Jr, that is.

The Iron Man actor decided to resurface the cringe-fest of a picture by welcoming his Avengers mate onto Instagram and reposting it. Whilst also tagging Tom in it, just incase anyone wasn’t sure who it was.

"Join me in welcoming the biggest T. Stark fan of them all to Instagram! @twhiddlston," he wrote.

What a LOL machine.

For those of you who know – and those who don’t – T. Stark is Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man who Robert famously plays in the movie franchise.

Or, he could be going on a COMPLETE tangent and giving us some sort of very subtle Game Of Thrones spoiler by informing us there’s a NEW Stark?

Hmmm. Probs not though.

Robert Downey Jnr

Anyway, we thought that the slight shade was pretty jokes but not all of his followers seem to agree. One of them wrote: “THIS IS SO OLD CATCH UP GRANDPA,”

Chill out, mate. Rob was just trying to make a funny.

We’re on your side with this one, Mr Downey Jr. That t-shirt should haunt Tom for the rest of his Hollywood days.


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