Ryan Ruckledgeis that bloke who made a tit out of himself on last year's X Factor, was described as "a horror of a human being" by Simon Cowell, then went on Big Brother, had a rilly cute romance with Hughie Maughan, and got evicted in a bin bag.
His behaviour on the inside of the house was on the whole fairly tolerable, but on the outside people got seriously pissed off when a vid of him in black face with a racist caption emerged, as well as a transphobic tweet he'd sent to BB 13 winner Luke Anderson.

The horrendous tweet, which Ryan posted in 2012 when Luke A had won the show, said: "Luke A I really hope you make the most of your minge while you’ve got it cos we all no (sic) you gonna buy urself a black cock with your winnings!" Wow.

As a result, Luke A regularly tweeted condemning the contestant, saying things like: "Hughie you are so much better than that idiot you are with #bbuk" (which we all thought after seeing his past behaviour, TBH).
But on Monday, Ryan (we're hoping without input from a PR) tweeted: "@JustLukeyA sincerely apologise and you don't have to accept my apology but I was young and naïve and I've learnt, hope all is well. X"
Luke replied: "@ryruckledge thank you Ryan, I fully accept and thank you for the apology. Hope all is well after BB X", which is a seriously mature and noble response given the circumstances - and we're really hoping Ryan's past behaviour is indeed the folly of youth.
Ryan also tweeted a very general apology to everyone he's offended in the past (which, let's be real, is a whole lot of people). He wrote: "Just want to publically apologise to anyone I may have offended over the last couple of years, I was stupid and naive and learnt from it X"
Luke A wasn't the only former BB contestant condemning Ryan. BB 7's Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace tweeted: "Please tell me @bbuk why this troll was allowed to enter the #bbuk house im absolutely beyond words."
Meanwhile, it appears that Ryan has been having an absolute mad one with former housemates Charlie Doherty and Emma Jensen. They tweeted pics of themselves all dolled up alongside #cray captions like "here we gooooo!!!! Getting #smashed". SOUNDS WILD.
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