Scarlett Moffatt takes down infamous troll Katie Hopkins after cruel weight jibe in BEST way

Scarlett Moffatt

by Owen Tonks |
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We do like Scarlett Moffatt - we love plonking ourselves in front of the television to watch Gogglebox on Friday night and we excitedly wait to see which amazing expression will appear on her face and what hilariously witty comments will fly out of her mouth.

But she’s now gone up in our estimation after taking down infamous bully Katie Hopkins in the best way possible.

Former Apprentice loser Katie took to Twitter to post a picture of the curvy Scarlett.

READ MORE: [Gogglebox's Scarlett Moffatt - everything you need to know


Hopkins wrote: "Little Miss Moffatt sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and way more than she should @ScarlettMoffatt."

The lovely Miss Moffatt, 25, was on brilliant form as usual and replied with an extract from her book Scarlett Says in which she predicted this would come from Katie.

It read: "I can’t be the only one that’s bored by her. The thing is, she reads all of her press, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she finds out about this and slags me off.

"I wonder what she’ll say. Probably something about my appearance cos she likes doing that, or maybe she’ll imply that I’m thick. I’ll get in first.

"Yes, I know I look like an oompa loompa. I’m genuinely excited now to see what happens.”

Alongside the picture of the page from her book, Scarlett wrote: "@KTHopkins always one step ahead of you, Hopkins…"

READ MORE: This is how Scarlett Moffatt got her Gogglebox job

Not one to let someone else have the last word, former Celebrity Big Brother nightmare Katie tweeted: "Wake me up when it’s a fitness DVD you’re flogging love. I appreciate I will be waiting a while."

Oh, bore off, Katie…

Scarlett, who recently tweeted a throwback photo from when she was aged 21, recently opened up about her appearance, saying that she does sometimes take people’s comments to heart.

She told the Belfast Telegraph: "There are odd ones, mostly men, who criticise me about my weight and my size and say I’m ugly.

"I’d be lying if I said that it doesn’t hurt sometimes. People are brutal. They forget that people on telly are actually real people.

"It’s upsets my mum and dad. I’m quite a strong character, but it breaks my heart for them.”

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