Selena Gomez has revealed that she absolutely ‘loved’ when people thought she was dating her friend Cara Delevingne.
Speaking to PrideSource, Selena said: “Honestly, though, she's incredible and very open and she just makes me open.
“She's so fun and she's just extremely adventurous, and sometimes I just want that in my life, so I didn't mind it. I loved it.”
In the interview, the 23-year-old also revealed she’d previously questioned her own sexuality and encouraged people to explore theirs. “Oh, I think everybody [questions their sexuality], no matter who they are,” she explained.
“I do, yeah, of course. Absolutely. I think it's healthy to gain a perspective on who you are deep down, question yourself and challenge yourself; it's important to do that.”
Selena has been single since her split with Justin Bieber and recently said she was angry at the speculation surrounding the end of their relationship.