Snoop Dogg FINALLY apologises to Iggy Azalea after calling her a “f**king c**t”

Is... is it over now? Please say it's over now.


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Snoop Dogg has finally backed down and apologised to Iggy Azalea after a four-day Instragram campaign of mocking her looks and musical ability.

The whole sorry affair – which started with Snoop saying Iggy looked like a man wearing no make-up – escalated yesterday to the point where Snoop posted a video calling the Fancy singer a “fking ct”. Nice.

But after a huge backlash, including from his own fans – who pointed out that what he was doing over Twitter and Instagram was a bit cyber bully-y – Snoop shared another video, this time saying sorry for being so offensive.

“It’s over I’m bac on my cool s**t no harm no foul. #ifitaintaboutthe□□□much love @troubleman31t respect sorry bout that,” he captioned the video.

In the black and white footage, Snoop says his rapper friend T.I had told him to step down.

Her friend and Fancy collaborator Charli XCX also tweeted in support of Iggy:

That’s it now. It’s over. Let’s all move on with our lives, hmm? Mostly because if this beef got even beefier our wrists might seize up from typing all about it.

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