Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello have named a date for their wedding after months of speculation. The Modern Family actress is set to walk up the aisle on 22 November at Florida’s Breakers Palm Beach resort.
The ocean fronted hotel accommodates up to 800 guests (so really we should all get an invite) and costs an eye-watering $325 a head.
But this wasn’t in Sofia’s plans as she told Cosmopolitan she had her heart set on a summer wedding.
“It’s killing me. We wanted to get married this summer, but Joe will be busy working and promoting Magic Mike 2,” Sofia said. “We want to get married at a time when we can get away and make time for a honeymoon. So the wedding will probably be later this year.”
A friend of the couple’s told Us Weekly: “They want all their friends and family there. It’ll be the most fun wedding ever.” We expect this friend to be first on the dancefloor.
Earlier this week Sofia – who got engaged to Joe last December after they dated for six months – joked that she wouldn’t be marrying in Ireland, saying: “It would be beautiful but I want heat. I want sun. I'm Colombian and there is not too much of either in Ireland.”
We just hope Florida is warm enough in November…