Star Trek’s Alice Eve sparks controversy by saying Bruce Jenner is “playing” at being a woman

The actress posted the comments on Instagram

by Rosie Gizauskas |
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Bruce Jenner has received worldwide support since his big interview with Diane Sawyer on Friday, where he revealed that he’s transitioning to become a woman.

However, Star Trek actress Alice Eve has come under fire for her controversial views – where she stated that Bruce is only “playing” at being a woman.

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“If you were a woman no one would have heard of you because women can’t compete in the decathlon. You wouldn’t be a hero. You would be a frustrated young athlete who wasn't given a chance,” she wrote on Instagram.

“Until women are paid the same as men, then playing at being a ‘woman’ while retaining the benefits of being a man is unfair.

“Do you have a vagina? Are you paid less than men? Then, my friend, you are a woman.”

The posts have since been deleted – and Alice has faced a torrent of criticism on the site.

“I've always adored you, but I can honestly say I'll be avoiding your work from now on. I have a trans sibling and no amount of apologies can make up for what you said,” wrote one user.

“Who cares, you're transphobic and disgusting,” posted another.

Alice has since posted another photo – of David Bowie – with the caption:

“I am a supporter of anyone who wishes to explore their gender identity.

“Sometimes language doesn’t explore the spectrum of identity specifically as in this case.

“I am also a believer in equal rights for all… whatever your race, colour or creed.”

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