Jeremey McConnell and Stephanie Davis's relationship has been far from rosy recently. First, Jez was sent to hospital with some pretty serious looking injuries, then Steph was arrested for his assault, and then she absolutely kicked off at him for dating Love Island star, Shannen Reilley McGrath.
To be honest, we can't keep up either.
But now, in the latest turn of events, Steph has GONE OFF about Jez to one of his friends in a series of angry Twitter messages, and the things she's being saying are preeetty brutal, to say the least.
The messages, obtained by The Mirror, read: “I really really really reallllyyyyyyyyyy hope that the c*** dies.
“His dad DIED because of him. He’s a DIRTY SCUM BAG WHO I WOULDN’T P*** ON IF HE WAS ON FIRE.”

Jeremy's father died of cancer in March, in news which left him heartbroken. It is believed that he even went to a grief councillor in order to deal with his death, which was followed just days later by the death of his aunt.
Not cool, Steph. Not cool.