Stephanie Davis wants to film the birth of her son

She's in her final month of pregnancy


by Ruby Norris |
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Poor Stephanie Davis has had to deal with quite a lot during her pregnancy. She's opened up about her hair loss, had to cope with former CBB-beau Jeremy McConnell's claims he's not actually the father, and was rushed to hospital after a huge health scare.

She wrote in her blog for OK!: “I woke up at 4am one morning in excruciating pain which was so bad I just wanted to be knocked out. I just didn't know what was going on – whether it was me or the baby.

“I was seeing black dots, going dizzy, being sick and scarily, passing blood. I also lost some water so me and my mum were worried my waters had broke but we soon realised it wasn't that.”

On top of all that, she's even had to shake off rumours she's not actually pregnant.

Yep, we're pretty sure there's a baby in there.

All this dramz must have made it seem like Steph has been preggers forever.

But it's actually been 8 months, as the actress has now entered into the final month of her pregnancy and is starting to make preparations for the baby's arrival.

Stephanie has revealed she is considering filming the birth of her son, and roping her mum in for the job.

Speaking in her blog on OK!'s website, she wrote: " I'm even thinking about filming it as it would be nice to have a personal memory to watch back when I want.

I think my mum will be too excited to concentrate on filming though!"

Steph also revealed she doesn't think she'll make it to full term and that her baby boy might arrive early.

She's been suffering from Braxton Hicks – which can often be mistaken for labour pains – but says they are not as painful as her recent stint in hospital.

"I've also started to experience Braxton Hicks which keep waking me up in the night! They are painful but it didn't compare to what I recently went through in hospital.

"I honestly can't imagine my baby making it to my due date, the pains and him are so strong now I'm convinced he will come early."

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