Are Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell BACK TOGETHER?

Because he seems to have joined her on holiday.

Stephanie Davis Jeremy McConnell

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Big news romance fans. It looks as though Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell AKA the great love story of 2016 could be back on.

Jezza has posted a video to his Snapchat account of a holiday villa and it looks remarkably similiar to the holiday villa that Steph is staying in.

Let us consider the evidence, with our eyes.

Here's a video Steph posted:

Here's a still from the video Jezza posted (top half):

Jeremy McConnell snapchat

Bottom half:

Jeremy McConnell snapchat

Now, call us Miss Marple (actually do, we'd love that) but they look like the same place to us.

Does this mean that they are reconciling in the sunshine?

We do hope so. Although Jeremy getting together with three other women - allegedly - could take some getting over.

But a true love like theirs is worth the strife.

No matter what any cynics say, we will never stop believing in or writing about (be warned) their love story. Never!

Until this time next year when we'll probably wonder what all the fuss was about.

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