It's no secret that Stephanie Davis and drama go hand in hand, we've lost count of the number of articles we've written about her albeit rocky relationship with on/off beau Jeremy McConnell over the years.
Have you heard the latest? Apparently Steph wants to 'marry' Jez after he returns from his stint in rehab and is eager for them to have a 'make or break holiday' with their baby boy Caben-Albi.
And for some bizarre reason, Steph has chosen to speak out about TOWIE's Danielle Armstrong and Yasmin Oukhellou's recent agg.
To cut a long story short, James Lock's ex-girlfriend of four years Danielle and his current squeeze Yasmin had a mega bust up over at Essex haunt Sheesh in Chigwell a few weeks back and have been insulting each other ever since.
After the incident that apparently saw Danielle removed from the restaurant, Yasmin called Danielle 'embarrassing' in an interview with OK! magazine and claimed she danced in front of ex James 'like a zoo animal'.

Danielle then responded that she 'didn’t want to talk about' the incident, adding that 'sometimes you have to say your side of the story.'
And now Stephanie Davis has firmly declared herself Team Yasmin (do they even know each other?) by offering her support on Twitter, but not before she blasted Danielle and implied that she was a 'liar'.
She tweeted: "Hope your ok lovely. Dealt with that indenial liar my self b4. Always wants what she can't have. And is a COMPULSIVE liar."
She then added: "Really hope she gets the help she needs and her family need to step in and support her. #girlneedshelp #sayingaprayer4her."
Steph then tweeted a meaningful quote about girls sticking together and not competing with each other.
Errrrrrm. What happened to ALL girls sticking together?
We've got a feeling this fued is not going to end anytime soon.
Le sigh.
Cheryl will NOT appear at Cannes Festival because 'it is too soon for her to return to work’