Poor old Stephanie Pratt off all those reality shows you like was rushed to hospital when a spider bite she received turned nasty – and caused temporary paralysis.
The star got bitten on the face – the FACE – by an eight-legged freak and had to go to hospital after not being able to move the left side of her face.
A rep for the Made In Chelsea star said: “Steph has indeed been in hospital, being treated for a spider bite which temporarily paralysed the left hand side of her face.
“Steph has experienced severe swelling, vomiting and a migraine. Following treatment, she is fine, if a little exhausted. The swelling has reduced, although she is still feeling a little poorly.”
Oh GOD. That sounds like the absolute WORST.
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“Her face was very swollen as she was bitten just beneath her eye, on the side of her nose. Her eye was almost closed due to the swelling, so she couldn’t see, and she lost all the sensation in the left hand side of her face.
“She was given an injection which reduced this and she regained feeling and movement late yesterday.”
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Stephanie has no idea what kind of spider gave her such a nasty bite, but presumably she’s now stalking around her flat with a thick piece of card in one hand and a massive glass in the other.
Stephanie Pratt








