Stereo Kicks’ Casey Johnson calls Neil ‘Razor’ Ruddock’s wife Leah an ‘old slapper’

We’re shocked, young Casey

Casey Johnson

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

Casey Johnson from Stereo Kicks/Spencer Matthews' hair twin is in a spot of hot water – he’s called football hardman Neil ‘Razor’ Ruddock’s wife Leah an “old slapper”.

She wasn’t interested back in November when Casey was caught sending rude messages to Leah – and we reckon she’ll be even less interested now.

The Sun reports that Casey said: “She definitely took a shine to me. She is just an old slapper.”


Casey, that’s not the way to pull, mate. And you better watch your back because Razor is SCARY.

Back in November the newspaper reported that Casey started messaging Leah all sorts of rudey stuff.

“He obviously saw a big-boobed blonde and chanced his arm,” an insider said.

“He’s only a kid. He was texting telling Leah what he wanted to do to her. He kept saying he thought she would be a right dirty bitch.”

We’re taking a breather here, as this is all a little bit much and far too graphic for our prudish eyes. CASEY, HOW COULD YOU?

Right, back to Sun-speak…

“It was all on Whatsapp messaging," the source said. "They’ve not spoken in real life or on the phone.

“He said, ‘Have you got any dirty pictures for me?’ Leah texted back, ‘Just focus on the competition.’

“It’s not her style to be texting some talent show contestant. She’s a mum. Her family comes first.

“She said the texts Casey sent were filthy — he was being a right little sod.”

Sounds like it to us. If that was our little brother he’d be in a headlock right about now.

We'd also like to point out that Casey is currently dating Betsey-Blue English off fellow X Factor band Only The Young.

Leah reportedly asked Casey how old he was and he admitted to being 21. Casey then freaked out when he realised that Razor may also be reading the messages.


Reportedly calling a lady an “old slapper” several months on may not be the wisest move either, Casey, you whippersnapper you.

Yes, that is Razor coming to get you – RUN!

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