Super skinny Nicole Richie shares clothes with her six year old daughter!

Nicole Richie is so slim, she’s now sharing clothes with her daughter.


by Ellie Henman |
Published on

Sounds completely normal until you think about the fact that Nicole’s daughter is only six years old.

Then it just sounds weird.

The 33-year-old stepped out to host a charity event in Los Angeles yesterday and posted a snap of her wearing Harlow’s furry jacket on her Instagram, thanking her for letting her wear it.

Now we’re guessing Harlow probably doesn’t have Instagram yet so was it ploy to get us all talking about her and how thin she is?

Yes, probably and it’s worked because we cannot stop talking about it.

Nicole’s battled with her weight for years and in May told* Vanity Fair* that no matter what she did, she just couldn’t put on weight.

“I know I'm too thin right now, so I wouldn't want any young girl looking at me and saying, ‘That's what I want to look like’,” she told the magazine.

“I started seeing a nutritionist and a doctor. I was scared that it could be something more serious,' she explained.”

In October Nicole, who’s also mum to five-year-old Sparrow, had treatment for “an inability to put on weight” but it hasn’t seemed to work because, to be honest, she’s looking a bit on the unhealthy side of slim.

And now she’s wearing her kids clothes, we think she needs to head back.

The former reality star isn’t the first celebrity to show off wearing their children’s clothes though, with

Yeah, here's Bethenny Frankel wearing her four-year-old's pjs...
Yeah, here's Bethenny Frankel wearing her four-year-old's pjs...

(of Real Housewives fame) sharing this creepy picture of her wearing her four-year-old’s clothes back in July.

PLEASE can they just wear their own clothes. They have enough money not to need to share with their off-spring.

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