Take That to switch on Regent Street’s Christmas lights!

The handsome trio will be bringing major festive cheer


by Ellen Kerry |
Published on

As if Christmas couldn’t get any better, now we hear Take That will be flicking the gigantic switch to turn on London’s fancy Regent Street Christmas lights. Only a mince pie the size of California could top this, SURELY.

Newly-downsized man-band Take That will be on Regent Street on 16th November to officially crank up the Night at the Museum: Secret Tomb themed festive lights at around 5pm and start Crimbo for us all. They will join radio presenters Jamie Theakston and Emma Bunton, who will be hosting from 4pm.

As well as being treated to Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen (can we get a triple swoon please?) there will also be performance from Union J, The Jersey Boys and the incredible singing talent that is Jessie Ware.

The TT boys, erm, men, are well excited to be switch-masters...

“Turning on the Christmas lights in London is like the starter gun for the main event. It’s the official start to the party season. We’re really looking forward to flicking the switch on the Regent Street lights next Sunday.” - Take That.

Woohoooo! It’s not a terrible way to start the fezzy season, is it? Here’s to mulled wine, crackers and Gazza Barlow!

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